It’s been a while since I’ve written/typed anything, and I’m sorry for that. Not to you so much, but to me. I’m sorry to me for not writing more. It’s an uphill battle, but not a totally unpleasant one.
A lot has been going on. For instance, I’m in this band, right… and we had this show, ok… Long story short, a lot of hard work was put into it and it showed. Kind of. Scratch that. That “kind of” makes it seem shitty and it was not. It actually went better than anyone thought it would. That being said… it could have gone better. But, overall, it was a success. And you should have been there. It was fun and you would have liked it. Assuming I know what you think is fun/you weren’t there.
Here’s a video from a friend:
That and the holidays. You know how much agnostics like the holiday season. So you can imagine how busy I was. To be honest I’m lazy.
Anyhoo… I’ve been going through one of my weird “what does it all mean” phases, only this time I’m not finishing off bottles of liquor by myself. This time it’s a little different. I’m taking in information with a grain of salt and trying my hardest not to freak the fuck out every time I think of the possibility of the world ending. BTW, just watched this documentary a few friends suggested called “Collapse”. Check it out. At the most it’s scary. At the least it’s informative. Either way, a good fucking film.
Aight, back to it. So I’m constantly thinking about these little problems I’ve been going through. We’ve all got ’em. Stupid little problems that we all blow way out of proportion all the time. Boy/girl problems, being a little behind with money, school assignments, you know, little bullshit that no one cares about but you. Meanwhile our government is selling us out, passing legislation that negates basic American rights and stops the constant flow of free information (to say the least, anyway). Then there’s complete civil unrest going on in other countries, I STILL don’t have an Iphone, and for some reason keep thinking about this fucking god complex I have. I chalk it up to growing up Baptist and being reminded of Hell all the time. Fuck.
Then one night I’m trying to go to sleep and just happen to pop in a VHS copy of “Monty Python’s: The Meaning of Life” and I’m reminded of just how completely retarded (no offense to retards) “modern” life is.
Why the fuck would I want an Iphone anyway? It’s made by children and won’t improve my life in any significant way. And then I start thinking maybe it’s good the world is coming to an end. The way we live is totally backward. As “children of the earth” we live completely disconnected from it. We don’t make our own clothes, we don’t make our own houses, some of us don’t make our own food (harsh generalization, I know, just stay with me). And then I think back to “Collapse” and every other “Doomsday” documentary that I’ve watched, that wasn’t made by a cointelpro (*cough* Alex Jones, *cough*), and they all come back to the same thing… human beings going back to the way we were, hand in hand living with the Earth, not raping it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a free-loving head-in-the-clouds hippie who thinks the worlds problems can be solved so simply, but that last thought does give me some small level of comfort.
Whatevs. I just needed to get some things out of my head. Time for a cigarette and some sleep. Here are The Spits.
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