Monday, November 18, 2013

Takin' Care of Business

Stream of consciousness #1 - Ok, so, the Casualties are rapists. Who cares? People rape and get raped. I’m not condoning it by any means, but… They’re not that good anyway, so you shouldn't support them on principle of that. In other news, let’s do this for real. Let’s start a fire. At a church. Let’s burn that shit down then move on the Washington and burn that shit down. Revolution? Fuck no. No one cares about that shit. It’s all a bunch of bologna. Let’s just wreck shit until no one wants it anymore and we can take back what is rightfully ours. You know, like Justin Timberlake did with N’sync. We’ll plant our seed in every town we pass through and kill the old people who try to stop us. We’re not in this to change anyone’s lives but our own. We’re selfish and we know it. They made us this way and then try to blame us for it. FUCK THEM! Who are they? They are the old, they are the ignorant, they are you. Well, maybe not you, but they’re definitely not us. Creating isn't easy, unless you’re into that hippy dippy shit and believe that everything is beautiful. Everything is not beautiful. Most things are disgusting, in fact. Like rape. Rape is disgusting and we've been the ass end of it for too long. Well, guy, I’m done being raped. If the revolution does come I’m not stock piling a bunch of guns and canned food. I’m sitting in front of my record player until the electricity goes out, then I’ll go sit outside for a while and watch the stars every night. Nothing romantic, nothing beautiful, just day-to-day shit. Keepin’ it real. As long as pot comes from the ground you’ll always have something to do. Stay on your toes, dress warm when it’s cold, hold your babies tight… the road might get a little bumpy.

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